The Aging Developer

The Aging Developer

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  2. Gatsbyjs
  1. Switching Code Blocks to prism-react-renderer

    Switching Code Blocks to prism-react-renderer

    When I was rebuilding this site, I spent a fair amount of time in the documentation for each plugin that is being used. While reading through the gatsby-plugin-mdx page, I ran across a gatsby-remark section. That section suggests switching to use the prism-react-renderer for code…

  2. Rebuilding with Gatsby

    Rebuilding with Gatsby

    I’ve previously wrote that major versions should be considered harmful. I haven’t done anything with this site in a long time partially because of that. Another reason is I wanted something where I could run a small amount of code on the front-end, but I wanted the majority of th…

  3. RSS is Dead, Long Live RSS

    RSS is Dead, Long Live RSS

    What is RSS?RSS, RDF Site Summary, Really Simple Syndication, Rich Site Syndication, etc… is a computer readable file format that websites publish to notify systems that there has been an update to the site. A link element is placed in the head of the site to allow the auto-disco…

  4. Support for Guest Authors

    Support for Guest Authors

    I’ve previously mentioned that this site was created for me to interact with the public again as well as to learn some new technical skills. That doesn’t mean that “The Aging Developer” has to be a one man show. I do not have to be the only person to contribute to it. Both the co…

  5. Workflow, Tech Stack, and False Starts

    Workflow, Tech Stack, and False Starts

    I only had two hard requirements when I started this site up. At work we have an internal development blog that uses a static site generator. The articles are markdown files that you check into the repository and the CI/CD system builds the site and deploys it. That workflow is v…

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