The Aging Developer

The Aging Developer

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  2. Rebuild
  1. Houston, We Have Liftoff

    Houston, We Have Liftoff

    A few years ago, I started eyeing the framework Astro, and it immediately caught my attention. When I refreshed the site last year by updating to a new version of Gatsby, I considered making the switch to Astro at that time. However, I decided against it, as it would require lear…

  2. Switching Code Blocks to prism-react-renderer

    Switching Code Blocks to prism-react-renderer

    When I was rebuilding this site, I spent a fair amount of time in the documentation for each plugin that is being used. While reading through the gatsby-plugin-mdx page, I ran across a gatsby-remark section. That section suggests switching to use the prism-react-renderer for code…

  3. Rebuilding with Gatsby

    Rebuilding with Gatsby

    I’ve previously wrote that major versions should be considered harmful. I haven’t done anything with this site in a long time partially because of that. Another reason is I wanted something where I could run a small amount of code on the front-end, but I wanted the majority of th…

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